Environment Policy
“The Environmental Policy at PICO ELECTRONICS (S) PTE LTD is to be committed in protection of the environment, and as an environmentally conscious business, PICO is committed to the following environmental policy objectives:
Develop an environmental management system to monitor, control and review the various aspects and evaluate the impact of the company operations to the environment;
Operate in compliance with the environmental legislations and regulations and other requirements that related to the company operations and social responsibilities;
Reduce energy consumption, and resources usage by recycling and reprocessing; consider prevention of pollution in all operations and activities;
Train and educate all employees to ensure that they have the knowledge to implement and maintain in the environment management system;
To support effective implementation of PICO’s EMS, this policy shall be communicated to all employees, contractors and suppliers and will be make available to the public through the public relation activities through extensive promotion of GREEN PRODUCTS and engaging in GREEN OFFICE ACTIVITIES.”